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Beyond x86: Strategies of Leading Specialty Silicon Suppliers


In a previous report we looked at the growing need for and use of speciality silicon in telecom. This companion report brings together perspectives on many of the leading players in the speciality silicon for telecom market, so that telco buyers and potential partners for these firms can better understand the range of propositions on offer.

  • Who are the leading players?
  • Where are they focusing their product lines and R&D effort?
  • What are the different telco use cases that call for different kinds of specialty silicon?
  • Who plays where?
  • What are the implications for operators in particular of choosing (or not choosing) speciality silicon over an “x86-everywhere” strategy?

This comprehensive, independent report explains how this market is evolving, and profiles many most notable players, including: AMD, Arm, Broadcom, Cisco, Dell, HPE, Intel, IBM, Juniper, Marvell, Nokia, Nvidia, Qualcomm and Spirent. A dedicated section explores how cloud providers participate in this ecosystem: Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud. 

Scroll down for the full table of contents.

This research is free to subscribers to our Disaggregation, Open RAN and Ecosystems research module (login required), or can be purchased below. 
