17 November 2020 Day 1 of Telecom TV’s Open RAN Summit “Open RAN” is rapidly overtaking “5G” as telecom’s Great Disruptor. At least in conversation. But unlike “5G”, it… 10 November 2020 Test and Assurance Vendors Adapt to the Telco Cloud Test and Assurance incumbents Netscout, Keysight Technologies, Viavi, Spirent, and EXFO are adapting their business models The cloudification… 9 November 2020 IBM Cloud: Public Cloud for Telecom Heads Into Digital Jetstream On the heels of Microsoft’s Azure for Telecom, last week’s announcement of “IBM Cloud for Telecom” confirms a… 9 November 2020 Innovation success is more than proof of concepts Last month I attended Layer123's online event. There were a lot of detailed technical architectures for the future… 29 October 2020 5G Private Networks Signal a New Ecosystem for Industrial Automation A recent 5G private networks announcement is of greater significance than it might appear at first glance. The… 23 October 2020 Telco’s fragmented edge on show at Edgenomics Edgenomics on TelecomTV shone a light on the plans and current economic thinking in telco edge. However, it also… 19 October 2020 New Research: Security in the Network Cloud Security in the Network Cloud By and large, our associations with “cloud” are positive ones: distributed, flexible, lightweight.… 16 October 2020 Layer123 SDN/NFV World Congress: From A to Z While our natural desire to see and experience new places has been so abruptly curtailed, our thirst for… 7 October 2020 HPE CMS, a Cloud Management Potpourri The HPE CMS virtual analyst day presented a potpourri of products and solutions across a wide swath of CSP… 2 October 2020 Azure for Operators: “One edge network to-go please” "Azure for Operators" lays out Microsoft's strategy for telecom This week Microsoft launched Azure for Operators. Operators (CSPs)… 24 September 2020 FutureNet World 2020: Review About FutureNet World In its new virtual form and timing for 2020, does FutureNet World still deliver? Over… 18 August 2020 Successful innovation implies taking risk The Accelerating Innovation in the Telecommunications Arena paper from TelecomTV is the latest in a series of initiatives that… Previous 1 … 5 6 7 8 9 … 16 Next