27 August 2019 Enterprise SD-WAN, Building the new Dynamic Enterprise Edge Appledore Research has just published a new market outlook on SD-WAN for Enterprise. This report is written to enable… 14 August 2019 Cloud in a cloud: Amdocs and Azure deliver SES’s “Dynamic Enterprise Edge” Cloud in a cloud. Using ONAP in the Microsoft Azure public cloud yields rapid time to market and… 30 July 2019 IoT, RFID and the importance of Edge Telcos need to review their approach to IoT if they are to avoid becoming commoditised connectivity providers. RFID… 8 July 2019 SD-WAN and the “enterprise edge”: The Market is Maturing — and validating our predictions In this blog, we share some of the findings of our ongoing research on the SD-WAN market and… 18 June 2019 Netcracker – an integrated approach to operational evolution At Netcracker’s analyst summit, held on May 10-11 in London, customers and operational evolution took center stage. Unlike… 30 May 2019 5G – The same old tired business model EE 5G launch exposed problems in the traditional telco commercial model. Test transmissions had ploughed through the data… 29 May 2019 Netcracker Advocates for More Innovative Business Models Netcracker is making a strong push that:CSPs need to innovate more disruptively and think beyond their comfort zones,… 28 May 2019 Catalysing the business model Catalysts are proof-of-concept projects developed collaboratively by TM Forum members. Catalysts were centre stage at DTW in Nice this… 1 May 2019 SDWAN is laying the groundwork for the new “enterprise edge” Appledore's deep and growing library of SDWAN profiles and market outlook reports.Hopefully many of you are already familiar… 17 April 2019 Netscout Transformed Netscout has transformed itself to become a diversified supplier of radio planning, subscriber analytics, and intelligent service assurance… 25 March 2019 Connected Car – Moving beyond 5G hype The GSMA recently highlighted the dangers that the EU faced in being left behind in the race to 5G,… 14 February 2019 Building a Stronger Business Case for 5G The telecommunication industry is preparing for the next technology upgrade cycle which will bring with it changes in… Previous 1 … 10 11 12 13 14 … 16 Next