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Application QoE in the Cloud Era


The rise in streaming video, gaming, and application data is pushing CSPs to invest in more capacity, spend which isn’t recuperated by current business models and unlimited bandwidth pricing plans. Encryption, QUIC, and other multiplexed transport protocols obscure service providers’ visibility into the traffic on their networks. To obtain network visibility utilized in customer experience and to determine network upgrades and capacity expansion, CSPs need innovative approaches to test and ensure services.

This white paper looks at the growing need for better observability and insights from the vast amounts of data flowing through networks. It also explores how this can be achieved in practices, with great contextual understanding of the subscriber, services, applications and usage types, devices, location, and access networks, based on high quality data capture.

We argue that this requires a progression beyond traditional service assurance, or application performance monitoring, and toward deep performance monitoring and analysis that supports automation in the network.

In that context, we look at how one company, Sandvine, is responding to this fast-emerging requirement and opportunity.

This report is free to download, courtesy of Sandvine. Details used for download will *not* be shared outside of Appledore Research. 

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