The Role of Policy in Virtualized Networks – Executive Summary
This is a Research Note version of the Major Market Assessment of the same name. It is in report format rather than PPT; and presents an executive summary, providing the key take-aways with less time invested. We encourage those truly interested to also read the original PPT format report.
This report looks at the market and technology needs that will impact the application of policy throughout virtualized networks, and also how policy and PCRF products are evolving and must evolve further.
This document is intended as a companion to the Appledore Research Group (“ARG”) report, released in July 2015, “The Role of Policy in Virtualized Networks”, and lays the groundwork to fully understand the findings in our 2016 follow up “The Role of Policy in Virtualized Networks — Policy Suppliers Roundup”. It is intended as a faster-to-consume summary or first read for those who would benefit from the highlights of the report, but are pressed for time. Our intent is to summarize the essential findings of the report, without taking the reader though the useful, but time consuming supporting and explanatory information. Many readers may wish to later read or refer to the full report.
– ARG believes that policy has a growing, and in many cases largely un-appreciated, role in tomorrow’s networks. Policy – in the form of contextual rules, allows networks and services to meet intent, while maintaining a significant degree of flexibility. This is critical in order to minimize cost, capacity utilization and flexibility. In many ways policy is one of the secret ingredients that will allow operations – across many functions – to achieve the flexibility the industry has always wanted, but rarely achieved (if ever).
– We hope this report encourages you to read all of ARG’s research on and related to policy.