OSS Sea Change

OSS Sea Change

A manifesto on why CSPs need to change their OSS approach and how they can make the transformation from legacy OSS and hardware networks to cloud native software enabled networks.  Failure to think differently compromises the USD Billions that we will invest – and many of the blocking issues are business assumptions, not purely technical issues. Provides key recommendations to both CSPs and suppliers to achieving success in cloud native networks.


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A manifesto on why CSPs need to change their OSS approach and how they can make the transformation from legacy OSS and hardware networks to cloud native software enabled networks.  Failure to think differently compromises the USD Billions that we will invest – and many of the blocking issues are business assumptions, not purely technical issues.

– We are not yet thinking differently; rather we are making investment, architecture, operational and deployment decisions based on old assumptions.  Today, both buyers and sellers perpetuate obsolete terminology, assumptions, requirements, and purchasing procedures – all of which distort ideal buying behavior.  We provide a guide to where the market is heading and why, and to how both buyers and sellers must change their underlying assumptions. Finally, and crucially, we quantify the market both in size and in the changing mix over time.

– “We” refers to the collective industry, including Appledore Research. “We” are all in this together.