Market Outlook: Network Data Management

Home Reports Data, Inventory and Observability Platforms Market Outlook: Network Data Management

Market Outlook: Network Data Management

Network Data Management (NDM) is an essential segment within the Network Automation Software (NAS) market. We predict growth in spending on solutions in this category to rise to USD 1.7 billion in 2027. Yet this market is being contested by a ever-widening set of suppliers, including several large players from outside the conventional telecom vendor roster.

Over 20+ pages, this Market Outlook maps the significant shift in thinking (and practice) on data management in networks in recent years, and its relationship to today’s most fundamental concern for CSPs: automation. The report highlights the increasing importance of cloud and the influence of IT observability thinking in networks, and a dramatically different approach to inventory.

The report profiles a selection of diverse vendors whose offerings nonetheless incorporate the new principles for network data management and observability: Amdocs, Netscout andĀ Nokia, Rakuten Symphony, Couchbase, Cloudera, Devo, Elastic, SplunkĀ and Teradata.

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