Nokia SReXperts 2022: Debrief
Despite the increasing amount of airtime in telecom taken up with talking about software, telecom is still fundamentally reliant on the hardware that processes and routes vast amounts of bits around the network, in the most efficient, secure and intelligent way possible. Nokia’s annual SReXperts and Wavelength events offer a window into the innovation and progress that continues to be made to do just that, in the company’s IP and Optical network portfolio.
Appledore had privileged access to the 2022 event, and this extensive, in-depth Research Note calls out what we think are the most notable developments revealed at the show, from silicon to security. We offer our takeaways on what the SReXperts show revealed about Nokia’s strategy, and about how Nokia is responding to trends such as intent, open interfaces and automation.
This report is essential reading for network strategy and architecture heads at CSPs, as well as for other suppliers of IP and Optical solutions.