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Operationalizing Mass Market SatComs


The emergence of low-cost, low earth orbit (LEO) satellites introduces a new way to address the problem of connecting hard-to-connect locations – such as oceans and remote areas. But translating that technical capability into an operational business model also needs considerable innovation on the supporting systems that conventional telcos rely on.

In this whitepaper, developed in partnership with Netcracker, Appledore how the operational needs of satellite comms (and LEO operators in particular) differ fundamentally from conventional telecom OSS and BSS, explores the implications for operators, and looks at how Netcracker’s Digital Satellite Solution and overall approach addresses the challenges.

This whitepaper is available as a free download, courtesy of Netcracker. 

Appledore subscribers can also access the whitepaper directly (no download) via their Automation & Orchestration or Operator Strategies & Vision research subscriptions (login required).