The level of interest has spiked over the past year regarding ONAP and its importance to the telecommunication industry in accelerating NFV and SDN technology. We applaud the level of collaboration and willingness to adopt common models and share opensource code. Historically, the management stack has not been shared between CSPs. Instead each CSP built a proprietary stack designed for workflows specific to each telco resulting in prohibitive cost bespoke systems that were brittle in supporting the next set of services. ONAP is an attempt to change how the next set of management and orchestrations systems will be coded and deployed. Regarding orchestration, VNF onboarding, and lifecycle management the verdict is still out on the success or failure of ONAP. This research note is intended to provide a perspective on how we see ONAP in the market, its technology approach, the expected level of adoption, the role of the supplier eco-system, and recommendations going forward. Our aim in this research note is to balance the hype and promise of ONAP with the reality of how the telecommunication industry will mostly likely exploit ONAP in their own operating and development environment.
Updated for July 2018