Appledore’s business and technical expertise and in-depth experience of the telecoms industry means we’re uniquely qualified to provide C-level execs and senior product managers with dependable, impartial strategic advice as an integral part of our subscription packages, or separately via custom research projects.
Offering a unique blend of telecom sector analyst and hands-on practitioner know-how, the Appledore team can advise you on a wide range of telecom industry topics, including emerging Cloud, Network Automation, AI/GenAI, CI/CD/CT, Digital Enablement, Billing and Charging, service innovation and operational practices. Our services include:
Custom research
Because of our sector-specific focus our custom research is used to support a wide range of strategic activities and purposes, including due diligence, product positioning and rebranding, product roadmap development and mobile sector growth analyses.
Metered inquiry
An inquiry call to an Appledore analyst enables you to dig much deeper into our published research reports and gain an even wider perspective.
One-on-one meetings
Appledore attends a wide range of telecom industry events throughout the year. At these events we are happy to meet with subscription clients one-to-one, to discuss published research or specific client needs. Events Appledore is attending are shown in our event calendar.
Strategy sessions
As an optional add-on for subscription clients, Appledore leads workshops on-site or remotely, focused on one or more relevant industry topics. The workshops draw on our extensive library of research reports as well as custom work targeted at client need.
Our approach is highly collaborative and interactive, and we will work with a key stakeholder prior to the workshop to ensure we include specific content requirements.