Market research for the telecom industry

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Appledore’s telecom market research is valued the world over for its insightfulness, quality and topicality. As experts in the field, we apply our in-depth experience of the industry to investigating and analyzing the real business impact of emerging technologies, service innovation and new operational practices

We publish a dynamic program of market research reports throughout the year, which is available to clients either as a part of one of our subscription package options, or on an individual purchase basis.  Our planned research calendar is available on request. Call our USA office on +1 603 969 2125 or email

A direct reflection of Appledore’s unique focus, the vast range of telecom industry reports that we provide our clients with includes the following types:

Market outlooks

Investigating a particular telecommunications technology or business area, outlook reports are substantial pieces of research identifying market drivers, how the industry as a whole is addressing needs, implications and factors for market success. Market Outlooks will provide a forecast and some will include vendor market share information.

Solution profiles

A high level assessment of a supplier product or solution, an Appledore solution profile will compare it with ‘yardstick’ metrics identified in our outlook reports and identify customers for the solution.

Network Automation Software Global forecast

Based on analysis from outlook reports, the global forecast will provide a quantitative assessment of the development of the overall Network Automation Software market in the next 5 years. Includes regional data analyses and market size analysis for hardware, software and services.

Network Automation Software Market share

The Appledore market share tracker is the first of its kind to give a true picture of the network automation software market. It provides:
  • Quantitative data on the network automation software addressable market
  • Regional data breakouts
  • Vendor summaries

To find out more about Appledore’s market research, call our USA office on +1 603 969 2125 or email