The Rise of Digital Collaboration & Ecosystems
A must-read for those trying to understand the opportunities in IoT, the “industrial internet” and related buzz-words.
In-depth analysis of the evolution of digital collaboration (the underlying platforms for much of the IoT), typically digital services based on APIs, from simple storefronts to collaborative ecosystems. report covers market, evolution, needs, players, technology and presents a set of functional recommendations. Highly relevant to those interested in TMForum Open Digital project. Originally released Q2 2016, but as valid today as it was then.
One of our early reports, but still valid!
– This report (investigates the emergence of digital business ecosystems and the growth of rich, cross-industry digital services. In particular we look at what they are; how they are evolving; the evolving business needs; the market opportunities for suppliers & communications service providers (CSPs) and the requisite changes to business models, processes & supporting software.
– Business ecosystems have long existed but now digital technologies are transforming the way they operate in terms of agility, speed, cost & reach. Early examples have had a simple B2C focus (e.g. consumer, media, retail) and are typically based on pre-arranged business relationships. Increasingly, more complex B2B ecosystems are emerging in areas such as automotive, shipping, health, smart cities. The rapid growth of IOT, sensors and devices is rapidly adding huge volumes of information to these ecosystems. These B2B ‘managed’ ecosystems place significantly greater demands on the ecosystem, and are far less “deterministic”.
– ARG believes that evolving business models will demand that digital ecosystems similarly evolve, creating incremental revenue opportunities for CSPs and software providers. However, we do not believe that existing business models, organizational structures or processes are sufficient.
– We cover market evidence & insight from various industries, standards & industry for a & define important requirements and capabilities – drawing specifically on market evidence and direction. We present this in the format of business needs, technical requirements, risks; a “taxonomy” that provides a common vocabulary, & a set of recommendations for CSPs, Digital Ecosystem Operators & Technology Suppliers.