Real-time network topology

Real-time network topology

In this updated paper, we look at the evolution of Oracle’s approach to the management of real time network topology.

Oracle has traditionally focused on inventory to support the order to cash fulfilment-centric processes. Now with its acquisition of Federos, it can provide an integrated inventory platform, capable of supporting fault to resolution assurance-centric processes, a stepping stone on the road to network autonomy. The Oracle inventory platform will provide a real-time federation of the network from existing management system data and data taken directly from devices.. This provides a foundation on which AI/ML assurance intelligence can be built, making it an enabler for the transformation of network assurance and analytics for a telco, an enterprise, or their customers.

CSPs require an evolutionary approach to adopting cloud native networks and their automated operational approach. Federation, the aggregation of existing data and systems, is a key enabler of an evolutionary approach to network transformation and automation. It allows CSPs, with existing multivendor networks and hybrid physical and virtual networks, to gain a single view of the network and forms the basis for Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) on top of the real world network.

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