Principles of Autonomous Networks, Part 2: Brownfield Evolution

Home Reports Autonomous Networks Principles of Autonomous Networks, Part 2: Brownfield Evolution

Principles of Autonomous Networks, Part 2: Brownfield Evolution

For most operators, the question is not whether to start moving towards autonomous networks, but how. Specifically, how to manage the evolution of today’s networks and operations (brownfield) into radically different versions.

Part 1 in this series introduced the eight best practices as a blueprint for the end state. In this companion analysis, we set out the route map for how to manage the evolution to the future. The report offers recommendations not only for CSPs, but also for vendors aiming to position their solutions as enablers for achieving new levels of network automation and autonomy.

The document offers a definitive routemap and guidance points for the journey to autonomous networks, and will be both a reference guide for architects and strategists, as well as a way for the telco C-suite to understand its vital role in this era-defining transformation.

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