Ciena Blue Planet Automation

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Ciena Blue Planet Automation

This profile analyses the portfolio of Ciena’s Blue Planet division in the context of Appledore’s recommendations on successful closed loop automation.  Ciena Blue Planet’s focus is delivering intelligent automation software and solutions to CSPs and they have taken the important step of separating their software products business from their core optical networking business.

The new Blue Planet division is leading Ciena’s delivery of SDN software management and orchestration for NFV, WAN and Cloud. They are also moving toward intelligent closed loop network orchestration driven by AI/Machine Learning.

Blue Planet has four major software products that support its intelligent automation solution. These provide cross technology and vendor support:

* Orchestration (both Multi-domain service and NFV-O);
* Inventory
* Analytics
* Route optimization and Assurance (ROA) targeted at cross layer IP and optical network management and optimisation.


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This profile analyses the portfolio of Ciena’s Blue Planet division in the context of Appledore’s recommendations on successful closed loop automation.  Ciena Blue Planet’s focus is delivering intelligent automation software and solutions to CSPs and they have taken the important step of separating their software products business from their core optical networking business.

– The new Blue Planet division is leading Ciena’s delivery of SDN software management and orchestration for NFV, WAN and Cloud. They are also moving toward intelligent closed loop network orchestration driven by AI/Machine Learning.

– Blue Planet has four major software products that support its intelligent automation solution. These provide cross technology and vendor support:

– * Orchestration (both Multi-domain service and NFV-O);
– * Inventory
– * Analytics
– * Route optimization and Assurance (ROA) targeted at cross layer IP and optical network management and optimisation.