Does a huge NEP “get” cloud? Appledore Research Group attended NOKIA’s full-day analyst event, scheduled coincident with TMForum Live! In Nice, France (May 15 2017). Most of these events showcase incremental improvements in OSS, BSS and related software, within the traditional bounds of telecom.
This was different; especially if one listened closely. NOKIA went out of its way to show that it is an innovator – a telecom giant that “gets” the transition to cloud, and the implicit importance of software. Are they there yet? Of course not. Are they making the right moves? I think so.
You can read more details about the event here:
Before you jump to that document, lets look at the key messages. First, Bhaskar Gorti, head of “Applications and Analytics”, which includes all NOKIA’s OSS-BSS-MANO portfolio, stated that his goal is to make NOKIA a true software company, not a hardware company with supporting software. This is a key pivot if one is to excel in a virtualized world.
Next, NOKIA outlined both the technology and the operational principles behind NOKIA’s cloud core, and it is directionally impressive, with principles that support “cloud native” and aspirations to transform ops with true automation and open-ness.
Finally, much of the remainder of the day concentrated on the application of machine learning and other advanced algorithms (with Bell Labs referenced repeatedly) to basic operational processes such as assurance, analytics, and customer support.
As they say, both God and Devil reside in the details. But the day was both informative and encouraging.
Grant Lenahan
Partner and Principle Analyst
Appledore Research Group, LLC